I am singing with Nightingale Vocal Ensemble for this virtual performance!
Madrigals - for centuries, we've loved the way they launch words right off the page, springing to life with their rich rhetoric, witty charm, and colorful drama. In A New Love Story: Madrigals Reimagined, Nightingale, in its characteristic concept-driven flare, offers a 21st century spin on the beloved Medieval and Renaissance Artform. The arch of the concert takes us through the process of a modern love story - but instead of involving royalty, duty, chastity, and gender roles (all too common in Renaissance madrigal poetry) our take offers a fresh perspective on romance: namely that we can work through the barriers to love, despite cultural or social pressures, and thrive with our hearts beating and voices singing.
What's more? We collaborated with poets Ayla Goktan, Lee Nevitt, and Fayaz Kabani, who wrote luscious, evocative word play which were then set to music by Nightingale composers!
Join us on May 15th at 8pm ET to hear five marvelous madrigals, including three world premieres by Nathan Halbur, Angela Yam, and Laura Nevitt.